Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27

I've been thinking alot - again - about the choice that I will need to make about work. Do I stay with my dr. at my current job, or do I go manage the new spay/neuter clinic?

I like my job and get along with my boss. I have a lot of responsibilities there, which is both good and bad. Financially things haven't been going well there, which is what led me to the opportunity to work more with the local animal rescue group.

I've been working with them twice a month for spay neuter for a couple years now and would love to be able to do more. And they want me for their clinic. They suspect they may be ready to open in July, but there is lots of work to be done.

Tonight I started asking questions and just flipping cards. Not a formal layout, but this is what I got:

1. What do I need to know? (about making a decision/choosing)
7 of Chalices
I can't have both jobs. I need to make a choice. This being cups, I need to go with my feelings on this.

2. But How can I do this?
8 of Swords(Reversed)

I cannot continue to be bound by my own thoughts. My hands are NOT tied. I AM free to choose. I just need to have the guts to MOVE. To just do what I have to do.

3.What will happen when I do decide?
3 of Wands

Once I make the choice, I can be free. My mind can finally be open enough to see what lies ahead in this new world of my choosing.

Its just the actual act - of letting my boss know whats coming thats so hard. I am such a chicken!


  1. Why not do a reading on how to tell your boss? If things aren't going well, he may not be as upset as you think.

    Just a thought. :)

  2. Brilliant idea! I think I have been in denial. I Know what I need to do, just haven't been able to admit it. I sometimes forget that this is MY life. I don't need to feel guilty about making the best choice for myself.
