Friday, November 2, 2012

Deck of the Day - Templar Tarot: The Journey

Templar:The Journey

Oh how I love this deck. When I first discovered it, it was almost painful to me. I was sure it was unavailable or unattainable. To my Joy, Allen Chester, the deck's creator was kind and reachable and the deck's price seemed - to me - a gift. I was more than happy to pay.

The images are larger than life - the deck is huge for me. Borderless so there is nothing to get between me and the image. Cardstock is way heavy. Coasters.

But I love them dearly.

The images are alive. They are bright and beautiful. Sometimes sad. I feel them. When I draw a card I feel I am receiving an important message. I know I need to open up and let it in - Or out!

I've never been sure where my messages come from, but with this deck I know its never an idle message. Templar is not a game for me, or something to take lightly.

I had to learn all over again how to shuffle these monstrous tablets, but learn I did. When I am through shuffling I feel they are as mixed as any deck I use.

I say, "What is my Lesson?" and Turn over a card.

Queen of Pentacles

It is payday today. I must be the Queen and take care of business. My resources have purpose and I have to look to my responsibilities before I squander what I have. (As I did last week.)

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