Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 1 - Wednesday

Crossing the River Spread

Someone used this recently, I think. Thought I'd give it a go.

1. Start - where you are now in the situation
2. End - where you wish to be
3. River - what obstacles are in the way.
4. Bridge - how to overcome these obstacles

1. 6 of Wands
Not sure I get this. I am feeling triumphant, successful. The lwb speaks of being successful in dreams, but I don't get the dream part in this. But I suppose it could fit. I am feeling wanted by both employers and thats a good feeling.

2. The Tower
I want this move, which will be a big change over where I've been for the last 2+ years.

3. 9 of Chalices
I'm set in my ways. I've been content in my present job and have a hard time taking the necessary steps to shake up my little status quo. Change is hard. Its nice just sitting here on my little stool. Comfortable.

4. Queen of Pentacles
If I am to overcome my inertia, I will need to be practical and pragmatic. I am the supporter of my household. I need to to what needs to be done to ensure my family is safe and well cared for.

I saw her as a real wake up call, here. Kind of what are you hemming and hawing about? You have work that needs to be done. I must PROVIDE, and I know in my heart what the best opportunity for me is. It should not be so hard.


  1. I can't add much to your reading. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nice reading. Good luck with your move! I like this spread and will try it tomorrow morning. x

  3. Perhaps your next reading could be on the question "why is it so hard?" I get a sense there is more to the 9 of cups somehow. He's got all those cups and they are just sitting on the shelf, he hasn't even got one to drink from. No point having lots of cups and nothing to drink is there? Thanks for sharing your reading. I always like seeing this deck in action.

  4. Good idea sapienza. I wonder about that young bunny. He's there. He's comfortable, but he is not happy.

    Happiness should be a goal.

  5. I stumbled on your blog via the AT PDR thread, mostly because I love the Magical Forest deck. :) (Just finished an IDS with it myself.) Two things:

    1. For some reason, the 6 of wands in this deck always suggests leadership to me. That little frog certainly looks authoritative on his mount with the other frogs looking on. Are you in a leadership role at your current job, or perhaps you're a person that people know they can go to if they have a problem/question/etc.

    2. About 3/4 of my family lives in Show Low! Have you lived there long enough to remember Pat's Place? I think it's been about a year now since it closed. :D
