Sunday, October 28, 2012

Deck of the Day: Radiant Rider Waite

Radiant Rider Waite

What a bright and shiny deck this is! Its cheerful. I can't help smiling looking at it and feeling its sleek plastic-ness. I know some don't care for the too plastic decks, but it really works here.

The images are Pixie drawn, like first Rider Waite deck, but are more brilliantly colored. Radiant, as the name states.

I do enjoy the backs - many stars lighting up a night sky. And the heavy laminate makes the colors POP.

The voice is one I am all too familiar with, from my long early years with my Pocket Rider Waite.

What is the mood today? Seven of Swords

I am feeling ripped off. We'd planned to go out - enjoy the day - but I am sitting here doing not much of anything. And I resent it.

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